Simple Arithmetic Calculator

Arithematic Calculator in C++

Project Description: Developed a feature-rich calculator application using C++ with a focus on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. The application supports basic arithmetic operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, providing a dynamic and interactive user experience.

Key Features and Functions User Input Handling: Implemented robust methods to handle user inputs for values and operators, ensuring accurate and efficient data processing. getvalue1() and getvalue2(): Functions to capture floating-point values from the user. getOp(): Function to capture the operator and determine the required arithmetic operation or to terminate the program. Arithmetic Operations: Developed dedicated methods for each arithmetic operation to perform calculations and display results. add(): Adds two floating-point numbers and updates the result. sub(): Subtracts the second number from the first and updates the result. mul(): Multiplies two floating-point numbers and updates the result. divide(): Divides the first number by the second and updates the result.

Outcome and Impact Enhanced User Experience: The calculator provides real-time results and allows continuous operations without restarting the application. Modular and Scalable Design: The use of OOP principles ensures that the code is modular, maintainable, and easy to extend with additional features. Efficient Error Handling: Integrated error handling mechanisms to manage invalid inputs and prevent runtime errors, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Here is a code sample that illustrates the functions implemented in calculator application:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Calculator {
    float a, b, c;
    char op;

    void add();
    void sub();
    void mul();
    void divide();

    void getvalue1();
    void getvalue2();
    void getOp();
} obj;

You can learn more about the source code of calculator in my GitHub repository at Simple Arithmetic Calculator.